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7uet/ueted/h ueted【解析:此处没有特殊用于某种时态的时间状语,且句意并未明确指出进行调查的时间,故一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时均可使用。主语是Reerh,故现在时态中要用单三形式。】

8here【解析:经过分析句子成分可知,空处所引导的从句应与“Wht tudet d t llee”并列,且根据空后的“they ”可以得知此处填here。】





11C【解析:第一段提到Wil总会风雨无阻地将家庭经济紧张的学生们送到课堂。此空后为“free ride”,可猜测此处指Wil是向学生们“提供”免费搭便车服务。】

12D【解析:前文提到了“free ride”,故可知此处亦指这是Wil免费的、自发的行为,故选D。】

13B【解析:pve意为“铺平道路;铺设;安排”;ver意为“遮盖;延毕;涉及”;eure意为“测量;估量”;der意为“漫步;漫游;游荡”。该空后的64 000 ile暗示此处应是指行程达到了64万英里(约10万千米),故选B。】

14D【解析:ruet意为“争吵”;itervie意为“面谈/采访”;etiti意为“谈判”;der意为“漫步”。修饰此空的短语为utle以及plet d huru,故应指Wil与他接送的学生们度过了数不清的、愉快且幽默的旅途,故此处选意思更符合句意的D。】



17B【解析:er意为“赚取;获得”;reeive意为“收到;接到”;e意为“评定;估价”;ded意为“要求;需要”。根据后文“the trip”可知她也曾接受过Wil的恩惠。】

18A【解析:提示词同样是“the trip”,故可知此处还是在说Wil的免费接送,故选A。】

19B【解析:由前文“jut itti here”和后面的“ith yur hedphe ”可知此处指令人不愉快的沉默,故选B。】


21C【解析:t 意为“对……起作用”;ettle 意为“决定;选定;看中”;hek 意为“上班;核实;检查”;ree 意为“同意;商定”。上文提到Wil会对乘客提问并记下答案,故此处为下一次的路程中他会对答案进行“核对;检查”。】













31C【解析:考查细节理解。根据文章第二段第二句中effetive rui f ur prre可知,志愿者经理主要负责项目的有效推进,故选C。】

32D【解析:考查细节理解。根据图表可知八月开始的项目之由一个在Suth Afri举办。】



【文章大意】本文记叙了Alie Mre作为年轻创业者发明AilieCdy的故事。

34 B【解析:考查细节分析。根据文章第二段&qut;Why 't I ke helthy dy tht' d fr y teeth tht y pret 't y t it?&qut;可知,当父亲提醒她糖果会伤害牙齿的时候,她希望创造出不会被父母禁止的糖果,故选B。】

35A【解析:考查细节分析。根据本文第三段bth tty d tth-friedly可知,Cdy一大特点是对牙齿有益处。】

36B【解析:考查细节分析。根据文章第五段最后一句可知,She hpe tht every kid hve le uth d brd ile“她希望每一个孩子拥有清洁的牙齿的同时脸上能挂着很大的微笑。”,故选B。】




38 D【解析:根据第一段中“We re filly ki up t the everity f the prble by upprti d develpi rup f tl,pp d pprhe iteded t prevet er fr etti thruh Ufrtutely,it' t little,t lte”可知,作者对骚扰电话的解决方法感到失望。故选D。】

39 A【解析:根据第三段中“A dede f dt brehe(数据侵入)f perl ifrti h led t ituti here er eily ler yur ther ' e,d fr re Ared ith thi klede they're ble t rry ut idividully treted pi t het peple”并结合整个第三段可知,通过运用新的技术,骗子可以了解到潜在受害人的更多的信息,从而精准地定位目标。故选A。】

40 B【解析:文章主要讲述了随着科技的进步,新的技术被研究出来,使骗子行骗更容易。因此暗示着科学技术具有两面性。故选B。】

41 C【解析:本文为读者介绍了为何骚扰电话即将变得更加危险。C选项概括了文章大意,适合做标题。故选C。】





44D【解析:考查细节理解。根据原文最后一段 ri ill ke diti riper fr phytplkt,d thee re ill tur reeer可知,浮游植物多的地方海面会更绿,因此选D。】










第一节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题15分,共15分)



Othe firt dy fy firt rde,I tdby the dr ithbutterflie i y th I1(vie)y biet ert y ther“H ill I ke fried?”She hded e dvie “Be yurelf”Frthept 20 yer I hve lived by thee rd S I ill rdute d bee prt f the rel rldNervuly2(fe)hllee Ik I ill hiper t3(I)thet iple rd“Be yurelf”


Erth Dy,4(rk) 22 April,i ul evet ii trie publi ree but eviretl prteti Firt elebrted51970,the Dy ilude evet i re th 190 utrie d rei(地区) N tter ht yu like t d,there i y t et ivlved i vriu6(tivity) Erth Dy Yu plt tree,ke el ith llly r veetble,r ve per—the pibilitie re edle


De the e f the llee yu tted relly tter?Reerh the queti 7(uet)tht,fr t tudet,it de't Wht tudet d t llee ee t tter uh re th8they The tudet beefitti t fr llee re the9re ttllyeed(参与)i dei life tki full dvtef the llee’ he dreure(资源),Studet huld hve prper ttitude trd llee befre thiki but hih lleet tted,d it’ everterly t ke eery preprti fr helthyd10(ei)llee experiee



Rerdlef the ether rthe dite, PulWil illke ure l-ie tudetihieihburhd rrivettheir lleeletie

A retired eieer, 76-yer-ld Wil h bee 11free ride t llee tudet fr the pt eiht yer Sie he firt trted 12hi r t the yu pepleWilh 13 tihi64, 000 ile,dh hd utleplet d fte huru 14ith the tudet he trprt t d frhlThe tudet hhe' 15hve e t bee phyii,teherdeieer,but ht they've l t utf theirtie i hl i fidi rledel d fried i WilSe tudet 16llhi“Grdp”

TiSter 17ride frWil fr ll her fur yer i llee,dthe trip et uh re t her th jut free 18&qut;It' t jut ride;yu'retjutittithere i 19ilee r ith yur hedphe ”Sterid“He k yu queti d tully 20the er, the ext tie yu ride ith hi,he'll 21the thi&qut;

Wil firt rked driver thruh tudet-upprt prre f the -prfit ritiO Pit fr ClleeAlthuh the 22k the eber ly t drive tudet t d fr their le,Wil fte e 23teure the elfre d fety f the tudetIf they hve prble ith reitrti

Wil i there t 24theIf they ru ut f erti dily eeitieWil ill drive t the eret tre d purhe ht' eededIf tudet et hury the l drive t d fr hl,Wil ever 25t buy the el

Fr y tudet,Wil' help i t ly ppreited,it' l etirely 26fr the t be ble t plete their llee edutiSe tudet d't hve relibler,hile ther hve t 27vehile ith pret h rk ix dy eekFr the,ridi ith Wil h 28the t plete their eduti—but rdi t Wil,he beefit jut uh fr the 29“I jut lve drivid I lve thee kid,&qut;Wil id&qut;It' uh ()30t be prt f thee kid’ live,eve jut fr fe hur,etti t k the d heri their trie&qut;

11 A liki B edi C fferi D ditributi


13 A pved B veredC eured D dered

14 A ruet B itervieC etitiD dered

15AetBdriveCddreedD verti



18Atrprtti BtyleCtieDuiti

















Wt t explre e ulture,eet e peple d d ethi rthhile t the e tie?Yu d ll the three ith Glbl Develpet Aiti(GDA)Whtever te f life yu're t,herever yu d htever prjet yu d i GDA,yu'll rete pitive he i pr d rete uity(社区)

We rk ithvluteer f ll e d bkrudMt f ur vluteer re ed 17-24N e eed vluteer er ed 25-75They re extreely iprtt i the fe deffetive rui f urprreWe hve uh rle prjet er,uti leder,d uiti ffier

Depedi hih rle yu he,yu uld help t iree uity' et fe driki ter,r help t prtet vluble llultureYu iht l dei dveture hllee t tri yu vluteer

Nt ly ill yu help ur yu vluteer t develp perlly,yu'll llere kill d iree yur ulturl reeYu y hve he t eet e peple h'llbee yur lifel fried

Thi uer e hve bth 4-eek d 7-eek prre:


4-eek prre 7-eek prre
Aleri 5 Jul-1Au 20Ju-7Au
Eypt 24 Jul-20 Au 19Ju-6 Au
Key 20Jul-16Au 18 Ju-5 Au
Suth Afri 2Au-29 Au 15 Ju-2Au

GDA eure tht vluteer rk ith uity eber d ll prjet prter here ur help i eededAll ur prjet i t prte the develpet f pr d rete uitie

There i ther he like GDA prreJi u vluteer er t develp yur kill hile brii beefit t the uitie

Fid ut re but jii GDA prre:



31Wht i the i repibility f vluteer er?

AT eek ll prter B T tke i yuvluteer

CT rry utprre D T fter ulturl ree

32Theprrebeii i Auut ill perte i

A Eypt B AleriC Key D Suth Afri

33The hred l f GDA’ prjet t

A explre e ulture B prtet the eviret

C i rprte beefitD help uitie i eed


Alie Mre i teeer etrepreeur(创业者),h i My 2015 et up her buie AilieCdyBy the tie he 13,her py rth illi f dllr ith the iveti f uper-eet tret tht uld ve kid'teeth,ited f detryi the


It ll be he Mre viited bk ith her dd O the uti,he ffered dy br Hever, her dd reided her tht ury tret ere bd fr her teeth But Mre ik f ii ut die S he deired t et rud the ri,&qut;Why 't I ke helthy dy tht' d fr y teeth tht y pret 't y t it?&qut;With tht i id, Mre ked her dd if he uld trt her dy py He reeded tht he d e reerh d tlk t detit but ht helthier dy uld ti

With her dd' perii,he pet the ext t yer reerhi lied duti tril t et reipe tht bth tty d tth-friedly She l pprhed detit tlerre butteeth lei Cequetly,he ueedediki kid f dy ly uiturleeteer, hihreduerlbteri

Mre the ued her vi t et her buie f the rud Afterrd, he d her fther eured their firt buie eeti ith uperrket er, h filly reed t ell Mre'prdut-Cdy

A CCdy' ue r, de Mre' redibility yu etrepreeurMre i ethuiti but the dy he reted, d he' l pitive but ht the future iht bri She hpe tht every kid hve le uth d brd ile

Mehile, ith her pret' help, Mre i eerlly ble t live rl teee life Althuh he fuded her py erly i life, he 't drive pririly by prfit Mre t t ue her uique tlet t help ther fid their ileShe dte 10% f AiliCdy' prfit t Bi Sile With her tlet d deteriti, it pper tht the ky uld be the liit fr Alie Mre

34 H did Mre ret t her dd' ri?

A She rued ith hiB She tried t fid y ut

C She pid ttetiD She he t ult detit

35 Wht i peil but CCdy?

A It i beefiil t detl helthB It i free f eeteer

C It i eeter th ther dieD It i prdued t detit' reipe

36 Wht de Mre expet fr her buie?

A T er re eyB T help ther fid ile

C T ke herelf td utD T bet ther dy pie

37 Wht e ler fr Alie Mre' try?

A Fe i ret thirt f the yu

BA yuth i t be rerded ith repet

C Pitive thiki d ti reult i ue

D Sue e etti perl deire tified


The prble f rbll h tte bd tht y peple refue t pik up ll fr uber they d't kBy ext yer,hlf f the ll e reeive ill be (欺诈)We re filly ki up t the everity f the prble by upprti d develpi rup f tl,pp d pprhe iteded t prevet er fr etti thruhUfrtutely,it' t little,t lteBy the tie thee“luti&qut;(解决方案)bee idely vilble,er ill hve ved t leverer eI the er future,it' t jut i t be the uber yu ee yur ree tht ill be i dubtS yu ill l queti hether the vie yu're heri i tully rel

Tht' beue there re uber f perful vie ipulti (处理) d utti tehlie tht re but t bee idely vilble fr ye t ue At thi yer' I/O Cferee , py hed e vie tehly ble t prdue uh vii hu –udi vie tht it ble t pek t reeptiit d bk reervti ithut deteti

Thee develpet re likely t ke ur urret prble ith rbll uh reThe re tht rbll re hedhe h le t d ith ut th preii A dede f dt brehe(数据侵入)f perl ifrti h led t ituti here er eily ler yur ther ' e,d fr reAred ith thi kledethey're ble t rry ut idividully treted pi t het pepleThi efr exple,tht er uld ll yu fr ht lk t be filiruber d tlk t yu ui vie tht ud extly like yur bk teller ',riki yu it &qut;firi &qut; yur ddre,ther' e,d rd uberSer fll ey, pie ill be the rt hitA lt f buie i till de ver the phe,d uh f it i bed trut d exiti reltihipVie ipulti tehlie y eke tht rdully

We eed t del ith the ieure ture f ur tele etrk Phe rrier d uer eed t rk tether t fid y f deterii d uiti ht i rel Tht iht e either develpi uifr y t rkvide d ie, hi he d h they ere de by r bdi phe ll ltether d vi trd dt-bed uiti—ui pp like Fe Tie r WhtApp, hih be tied t yur idetity

Credibility i hrd terbut ey t le, d the prble i ly i t hrder fr here ut

38H de the uthr feel but the luti t prble f rbell?

APikedBCfued CEbrred DDippited

39tki dvte f the e tehlie,er______

Ai t viti preielyBde dtbe eily

Ctrt pi rpidlyDpred ifrti idely

40Wht de the pe iply?

AHety i the bet pliy

BTehlie be duble-edited

CThere re re luti th prble

DCredibility hld the key t develpet

41Whih f the flli uld be the bet title fr the pe?

AWhere the Prble f Rbll I Rted

BWh I t Ble fr the Prble f Rbell

CWhy Rbll Are Abut t Get Mre Deru

DH Rbll Are Affeti the Wrld f Tehly


By the ed f the etury,if t er,the rld' e ill be bluer d reeer thk t ri lite,rdi t e tudy

At the hert f the phee lie tiy rie irri(海洋微生物)lled phytplktBeue f the y liht reflet ff the ri,thee phytplkt rete lurful ptter t the e urfeOe lur vrie fr ree t blue,depedi the type d etrti f phytplktClite he ill fuel the rth f phytplkt i e re,hile redui it i ther pt,ledi t he i the e' ppere

Phytplkt live t the e urfe,here they pull rb dixide(二氧化碳)it the e hile ivi ff xyeWhe thee ri die,they bury rb i the deep e, iprtt pre tht help t reulte the lbl liteBut phytplkt revulerblet the e' ri tredWri he key hrteriti f the e d ffet phytplkt rth,ie they eed t ly uliht d rb dixide t r,but l utriet

Stephie Dutkieiz, ietit i MIT' Ceter fr Glbl Che Siee,built lite del tht prjet he t the e thruhut the eturyI rld tht r up by 3℃,it fud tht ultiple he t the lur f the e uld urThe del prjet tht urretly blue re ith little phytplkt uld bee eve bluerBut i e ter,uh the f the Arti, ri ill ke diti riper fr phytplkt,d thee re ill turreeer “Nt ly re the qutitie f phytplkt i the e hi ”he id,“but the type f phytplkt i hi ”

42 Wht re the firt t prrph ily but?

A The vriu ptter t the e urfe

B The ue f the he i e lur

C The y liht reflet ff rie ri

D The effrt t fuel the rth f phytplkt

43 Wht de the uderlied rd“vulerble”i Prrph 3 prbbly e?

A SeitiveB BeefiilC Siifit D Utieble

44 Wht e ler fr the pe?

A Phytplkt ply delii rle i the rie eyte

B Dutkieiz' del i t prjet phytplkt he

C Phytplkt hve bee ued t trl lbl lite

D Oe ith re phytplkt y pper reeer

45 Wht i the i purpe f the pe?

A T e the equee f e lur he

B T lye the piti f the e fd hi

C T expli the effet f lite he e

D T itrdue e ethd t tudy phytplkt



Muh f the rk i tdy’ rld i plihed(完成)i teMt peple believe the bet y t build ret te i t ther rup f the t tleted idividul 46Cpie ped illi hiri tp buie pepleI their ey ell pet?

47They fued ftbll,bketblld bebllThe reult re ixed Fr ftbll d bketbll,ddi tleted plyer t teprve d ethd,but ly up t the pit here 70%f the plyer re tp tlet;bve thtlevel,the te’ perfre bei t delieIteretily,thi tred i’t evidet i bebllhere dditilidividultlet keep iprvi the te’ perfre

T expli thi phee,the reerher explred the deree t hih d perfre by te require it eber t rdite(协调)their ti 48I bebll,the perfre f idividul plyer i le depedet teteThey lude tht he tk iterdepedee i hih,te perfre ill uffer he there i t uh tlet,hile idividultlet ill hve pitive effet teperfre he tk iterdepedee i lerIf bketbll tr ifrexple,tryi t i hih perl pit ttl,he y tke ht hielf he it uld be better t p the bll t tete,ffeti the te' perfreYu hildre leri t ply te prt re fte tld,“There i Ii TEAM”49

Ather pibility i tht he there i lt f tlet te,e plyer y ke le effrtJut i e ftu-f-r(拔河比赛),heever per i dded,everye ele pull the rpe ith le fre

50A A-te y require ble-t jut Aplyer,but fe eeru B plyer ell

AIt' t iple tter t deterie the ture f tlet

BSprt te er ped illi f dllr ttrti tp tlet

CThe rup iterti d it effet dre the reerher'tteti

DStr ppretly d t fll thi bipriiple f prthip

ESeverl reet tudie exied the rle f tlet i the prt rld

FBuildi up dre te i re plex th iply hiri the bet tlet

GThi tk iterdepedee ditiuihe bebll fr ftbll d bketbll









Der Ji,



Li Hu











TAG: 英语
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